Aphixe's Final Fantasy Xi

Friday, March 16, 2007

Shiroryuu is offically dead.

Shiroryuu is offically dead... Forever..
Last living as a white mage at 59. Oh well, on to REAL LIFE!.. I'm not gonna even post how many hours

Thursday, July 15, 2004

A bit comments about killin the dragon

When I first started playing FFXI, I got a bit upset at first with the style and the way the game was.. After just giving it a try and actually puting time into, the time it took to get powerful enough and past all the stupid quests/mission, and finnaly to this dragon.. and WOW! all I can say now is, dont under estimate this game, it is by far.. a well story based game.. and for as much work this game has taken me, the dragon was well worth the wait.. Some players might I guess thing the dragon looks wimpy but he isnt.. (plus the story cut scenes rocked!!)

With a powerful blow to the dragon's heart.. he slams to the floor crying to his death. Posted by Hello

Using my super powerful skills to kill the dragon. I plung my sword into his bonie body Posted by Hello

(with the eye killed) NOW DIE Dragon! Posted by Hello

Come back here eye, I must kill thee! Posted by Hello

Kill the eye! ( The dragons buddy I guess. All I remember was the last words of the leader.. "Kill the evil eye, we could die" Posted by Hello

Almost theeee'rre! Posted by Hello

Advance! lets kill the dragon! Posted by Hello

Sure we are ready.. (I forgot today was my day to go cut down some trees.) Posted by Hello

Ahh! there they are.. they are standing on the (flaming spot?!) Posted by Hello

HEY! WAIT UP.. (hmm, wonder where everyone is at?) Posted by Hello

Please use magic spells to protect me.. the dragon is strong Posted by Hello

Gather one, gather all.. lets go fight the dragon! Posted by Hello

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Land ahoy! Posted by Hello

IT's Cid Posted by Hello

another picture with lots of people in on room Posted by Hello

Jeuno port.. Posted by Hello

Chocobo's are fun Posted by Hello

Bastok's Auction house. Posted by Hello

NEW LIFE! Posted by Hello

let me in! Posted by Hello

Hey sup lizzi Posted by Hello

ahh the beach Posted by Hello

its the bomb! Posted by Hello

Crafting an item Posted by Hello

Swing a big sword!! Posted by Hello